Credit Scoring. Past v Present. Are we pushing heads under the water? We think we are measuring ‘them’ but we are really measuring ‘what happened to them’.

Your credit score does not define you, it defines what happened to you. We now need to make sure it does not define what happens to you.

Who are you really angry with? It shouldn’t have to happen to you for it to matter to you. #RefugeeWeek

I have been around long enough to hear the negative dillect around refugees and asylum seekers, but I have also been around long enough to understand that we are all one; we have so much greed, so much luxury, so much indulgence, and so much suffering. And so for Refugee Week I ask you to ask yourself, who are really angry with?

Finding Happiness and Freeing Your Spirit now available on ACX audible and Findaway Voices! Thanks to Nartan Rose, Audiobook Producer and Narrator..

When I met Nartan during a recent Thrive huddle with Clare Griffiths, I thought - what a great idea, turning my book into an audio book! I'm actually not a strong reader at all. Completing my law degree felt like reading Japanese upside down and the words on the pages would just float around leaving … Continue reading Finding Happiness and Freeing Your Spirit now available on ACX audible and Findaway Voices! Thanks to Nartan Rose, Audiobook Producer and Narrator..

Why I am so proud that this event [Find Your Power] is accessible, and how asking for £6 instead of £60 can change a life..

There is no doubt, this event is worth the £60 price tag. Not only do delegates get access to 5 incredible speakers sharing years of combined experience and wisdom, they can choose to attend a number of workshops, from Yoga to Tantra and Bellydance, and they get to speak to a selection of handpicked incredible exhibitors, who are attending to provide a safe space for delegates to talk to them 1-1 throughout the day to learn more about the services they provide and how they can help them. Not only that, parking is free, and three rounds of coffee, tea, snacks, and buffet lunch are included! It is a deluxe day, designed not for profit, to simply serve love and light.

A personal update

It has been four years since I started sharing my mind with you all, and I thank you for following with interest. The book that inspired this blog, is currently being narrated as an audio book, and, I am now offering to work with clients on a one to one basis as a confidante. So here is my updated introduction, and I look forward to speaking with you, if you would like a safe space to share your private matters in confidence. Jules x

Webinar: Single Mums in Business and Flexible Working. Thank you to the British Library for Facilitating webinar-presentationDownload Thank you to those of you who joined us today, and this is for those of you who requested a recording. We could have talked for hours, I will arrange another webinar or workshop soon. Jules x

Employees are Vulnerable. It’s time to step up.

Why are half of the UK living in relative poverty? Why have wages not increased with inflation? Why are employers putting profits before people. Why are Parliament putting Property before People? Why do employers wait for leadership and profit at the expense of their employees. Why, why, why.

Housing Crisis & Shelter

With connection comes greater understanding and raised awareness of how we can help to build a better society, it is not a selfless act, building a happier society where people are not living in desperate situations rubs off on everybody, including the people you love. It just needs a few leaders, a few game-changers, a few people in power with the ability to make small life altering changes to what is perceived to be normal.

Friendship, Love and Giving

There are several affirmations that people are not ignoring you - they are busy and that you should get busy too, and whilst they mean well, and come from a place of some truth, it was one of the most offensive ways of trying to help people who are feeling ignored, lonely, and that their friends and family are failing them. There is a truth to people being busy, but I would prefer to use the term ‘distracted’...