Our new Prime Minister Liz Truss, her knowledge of the Single Mums Business Network, aka SMBN, and our renewed hope for access to childcare, homes, financial independence and dignity.

With every change comes renewed hope, renewed hope for action, change, and a better future for us all, and whatever your political views, this is todays' reality, and this is where less drama, and more productive focus is needed.

The Chancellor, The Cost of Living Crisis, Benefits and Bias..

My tongue in cheek pic following Rishi's Proud Moment Pose! I was pretty furious after the Chancellor's Spring Statement last month, and it turns out I am not alone! I had a little rant, embedded below, but little did I realise how much news coverage this statement, and our leaders complete disconnection to what it … Continue reading The Chancellor, The Cost of Living Crisis, Benefits and Bias..

‘Flexible Working isn’t an option.’ That’s what my employer confirmed during my maternity. I had to choose, my career or my daughter? I chose my daughter, and paid the price.

When I say I paid the price I want to be clear from the off, I do not and never have regretted choosing my daughter.  Every cuddle, every tear, every moment.  The priceless gift of looking after another life... but why do you have to pay the price financially when it would be so easy … Continue reading ‘Flexible Working isn’t an option.’ That’s what my employer confirmed during my maternity. I had to choose, my career or my daughter? I chose my daughter, and paid the price.

Mortgages and Housing Crisis

We have a lot of high profile talk at the moment about the #housingcrisis and a lot of amazing people trying to solve the issue of high private rents - encouraging the building of more affordable homes to enable people to work, and enjoy a decent standard of living, without being cripled by rising living … Continue reading Mortgages and Housing Crisis

The Power of ‘Not Minding’

Once upon a time I cared, a lot, about being judged, about being disapproved of, about being 'beneath' other people, and I was a people pleaser, much to my own detriment.  I was so afraid of confrontation that rather than express my concerns I would run, and hide.  I never wanted to be seen as … Continue reading The Power of ‘Not Minding’

Employees are Vulnerable. It’s time to step up.

Why are half of the UK living in relative poverty? Why have wages not increased with inflation? Why are employers putting profits before people. Why are Parliament putting Property before People? Why do employers wait for leadership and profit at the expense of their employees. Why, why, why.

Single Mums Business Network

Supporting Single Mums Fighting for Family and Financial Freedom

My Formal Graduation – Summarising the Journey        

My journey began when I still a child and tests indicated that I was ‘inadequate’ from a very early age.  Consequently I continued mostly unstimulated through school with the clear message that I should not expect to achieve anything outstanding.  Knowing that I was not one of the intelligent ones gave me little drive to … Continue reading My Formal Graduation – Summarising the Journey