Masculinity, Equality, Mental Health and Purpose for the 21st Century Man

We live in a Country, where you should feel safe to walk the street at night, where you should not be vulnerable because of your age, sex, race, sexuality or religion, we live in a Country where our basic needs should be not be a lifetime of struggle to achieve, and we live in a Country where I hear all too often, that men do not know where they stand...

Employees are Vulnerable. It’s time to step up.

Why are half of the UK living in relative poverty? Why have wages not increased with inflation? Why are employers putting profits before people. Why are Parliament putting Property before People? Why do employers wait for leadership and profit at the expense of their employees. Why, why, why.

Single Mums Business Network

Supporting Single Mums Fighting for Family and Financial Freedom

Working for Poverty & Self-Employment

'It doesn't pay to work'.  This is something I have heard for many years and the words have caused me great discomfort.  It is often perceived that living on benefits is a comfy lifestyle option, and with great analysis I have reached my own conclusion, which of course I am sharing as we all know … Continue reading Working for Poverty & Self-Employment